Disasters, accidents, or even common injuries call for an effective response. Knowing what to do is one part. Having the tools to perform what must be done is another.
Do you keep emergency supplies at home? These stocks can be life-saving. If you have not started one, you can always buy medical supplies in Michigan.
Your pharmacy in Waterford, Michigan will happily walk you through basic first-aid kits that can help you and your family survive emergencies. There are available ready to buy kits or you can assemble your own. Your basic supplies should include adhesive tapes, bandages, bandage strips, super glue, rubber tourniquet, eye shield or pad, instant cold packs, cotton balls and cotton-tupped swabs, disposable examination gloves, petroleum jelly, plastic bags, safety pins, and scissors, and tweezers. You should add hand sanitizers, eyewash solution, thermometer, surgical mask, hydrogen peroxide for disinfection, and a first-aid manual.
If a family member requires medications, provide extra supplies in your kit. While you can generously store over-the-counter medications, prescription drugs may require further declaration. In any case, you can always keep these essential medicines in a ready-to-go bag.
Check out the other emergency items you can keep at home! Visit us anytime.
Give your immune system an advantage with immunizations. Call VC Pharmacy for any questions.